Showing posts with label slideshow night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slideshow night. Show all posts

Recruitment Recap

Life's still as crazy as ever, but I've been wanting to share this video with y'all for a while.

This is Phi Mu's official 2014 Recruitment Video! I spent most of my free time this summer working on it, and then most of August stressing over the finishing details. Even though it's a little different than how I imagined it, I'm still super proud of it! I couldn't have done it without the help of our amazing chapter advisor. 

The first half is basically the last year summed up and then after the chant is what we did this past summer! 

In case you're curious about the Mardi Gras scenes, we had a big dance party to celebrate our last recruitment practice :) 

This was the video we showed at our Slideshow Night parties! (Remember my "what to wear" post?)

I'm super excited because our big/little week is next week! I can't wait to be a big sister!  ;)