Showing posts with label seersucker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seersucker. Show all posts

Sucker for Seersucker

For those of you who aren't lucky enough to live in the South, let me let you in on a little piece of news: It's insanely hot these days. I'm talking 100+ degree heat indexes, the special kind of heat & humidity that probably rivals hell itself.

It's so hot, that I kind of hate going outside. I'm pretty content to stay in my pj's and hang out with a book or something in the air conditioning all day. I'm really loving these scalloped seersucker shorts!

The website might say sold out, but keep an eye on her instagram (@crystalfaye_) because I bought mine on flash sale! 

In the mean time, here are some more seersucker pieces (and adorable Lauren James t-shirts) to wear and keep cool while waiting for summer to burn out. (Beware of Lauren James dresses, though, they're lined with a not-so-cool polyester material). 

Is anyone else beyond ready for fall yet? Bring on the cooler temperatures! 

A Very Nola Day

Hey, howdy, hello! Welcome back to my abandoned blog. I've missed you, too!

I haven't been up to a whole lot besides reading books and watching movies. Gotta love summer.

However, last Saturday my mom and I drove into the city to spend a little quality time together. What we forgot was that Memorial Day weekend brings A LOT of people to the cool places. 

After driving around the French Quarter for almost 45 minutes, we were able to find a parking spot and we were hangry (you know, so hungry that you get angry and not much fun). We ran to the first restaurant we saw and split a shrimp po-boy -- I know, how very cajun of us? 

I'd give Mulate's a 7/10 for food and a 9.5/10 for atmosphere. I loved their sweet tea and all the Blue Dog paintings they had on the walls! The french bread was a little too crunchy for my taste. 

After eating and drinking enough sweet tea to revive our spirits, we walked into the French Quarter, where we spent most of our time strolling around Jackson Square picking out our favorite pieces of art. 

Mom and I are suckers for art, so when we saw a man doing portraits, we were like "ooh, that's pretty cool!" Naturally, we decided it was worth the time to sit and have my picture drawn. 

Please excuse the odd soft-smile happening here. 

One thing that we couldn't miss was Cafe Du Monde! Beignets and iced cafe au lait were worth waiting in the line (for over 45 minutes *monkey-covering-his-eyes-emoji*). But my mom, never a fan of lines, was hangry again by the time we made it to the front. 

Take note if you're going to play tourist: Waiting in the to-go line is not a smarter move than the actual line. I'm pretty sure we would have gotten a table sooner than we made it to the counter. 

But the sweet coffee milk and sugary french doughnuts were worth it. (Isn't the sugar always worth it?)

{Outfit details}
Seersucker Dress: Old Navy
Shoes: Jack Rogers
Monogram Necklace: Lee Michaels 
Purse: Antonio Melani, old (this & this are similar)