Showing posts with label resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resolutions. Show all posts

Endorphins Make You Happy

I know. I know. How cliche of me to write a post about exercise in January. I can practically see the disappointment in your faces already.

But here's the thing, this isn't a post about exercise! 

 I don't know about you, but that word makes me uncomfortable. Thoughts of sweat and itchy PE uniforms come to mind and I sometimes break into hives. Suddenly I'm back in middle school trying to run a ten minute mile for the Presidential Fitness challenge and being dead last. 

That might be a bit exaggerated (only the hives part), but I just really hate the word exercise. I prefer to use the words like movement or play. 

So I've started walking, and I'm thinking about graduating to running in a while. 

I used to go to the Rec Center on campus with the goal of burning at least 600 calories in an hour. (I'm no doctor, but I don't think that's healthy) When I stopped thinking about burning calories and making up for dessert, I actually started to not mind doing other activities besides Netflix-watching in my yoga pants.

I've been walking around campus with one of my friends for about an hour a few times a week, and it feels so good to be active again. I've got no goals besides being healthy, so there's really not a lot of pressure. (Although I'm thinking of doing a 5k soon to make up for the missed one on my 20 Before 20).

I guess the point of this post is to just remind you that you should try to avoid the "calories in, calories out" mantra with the start of your new year's resolution. Yes, being confident in a bikini would be nice for spring break, but killing yourself over trying to get there isn't worth it. Confidence doesn't come from crash diets or crazy work-out regimens, take my word on that.

There's no need to "make-up" for the holidays, and fitting into a smaller size should not be your top priority. Work towards health. Maybe try focusing on getting stronger, instead. That mindset has certainly helped me in the last few months. I hope it helps you, too.

What's your favorite way to play? 

Beginning of the End

Woah! Y'all! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!

Last year, I made this list of things to try: (the things I did are in red)

Be social on the weekends again.* 
Find my way back to the gym occasionally.** 
Teach myself to play guitar. 
Learn French. 
Travel to a place I’ve never been. Play golf again. 
Make a trip to New York City again. 
Go to Disney World.
Read my bible more.
Learn to flirt properly with boys.*
Have a first kiss.
Learn to play the piano.
Get a (part-time) job.
Put a smidge more effort into getting ready in the mornings.
Wake up earlier. **
Eat more colorfully.
Change my mindset about exercise.**
Stop complaining about everything.
Be happier.
Smile at strangers.
Laugh more often.
Read more books.
Be more organized. 
Stop biting my nails. 
Find a path that makes me happy. 
Speak up.

*up for debate
**thanks, rowing

I managed to check off quite a few of these (the beauty of a long list is that you can miss a few and still feel good about yourself). Be on the lookout for an new list in the new year! Let me know if you add any of these to your own resolution lists for 2015! 

Rather than post a ton of pictures that y'all have probably already seen, I'll just post this selfie from my twentieth birthday (one of my favorite memories of 2014).