Showing posts with label memory box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memory box. Show all posts

DIY Monogram Memory Box

I've always been envious of anyone with the patience to put together a scrapbook. It takes time, planning, and an artistic eye, not to mention a loaded pocketbook for all the fancy albums, paper, and stickers (does anyone under the age of 75 actually say "pocketbook"?).

I've got at least four unfinished scrapbooks that have piled up over the last ten years or so. I start out with the best intentions, but my attention span always sabotages me! 

I was browsing Pinterest a few weeks ago when I spied this pin

Of course these "keepsake kits" appealed to the scrapbooker-with-abandonment-issues in me! Leave it to Martha to market such a simple idea. I got to Michaels that same day and picked up a wooden box to attempt. (side note: never shop at Michaels without using a coupon. They're always available!!)

I knew I wanted to go with a simple white box and gold lettering, but couldn't think of what to label it. I wanted to save fun memories like ticket stubs and photo strips throughout the semester. Then it hit me! My monogram! That way I could use it for whatever! 

It was pretty simple, too! First, I painted the whole thing white using regular acrylic paint. 

For the monogram, I printed out the individual letters (after downloading this font) from a word document. I cut around them, and then taped them to the box. I traced over them with a sharpie pen, pressing hard enough for the ink to go through the paper. After I had an outline of the letters, I painted them with gold acrylic paint and a steady hand. It took a few coats, but I was really pleased with the outcome! 

If you decide to paint your own, post them and be sure to tag me (@sydneylandry)!