Showing posts with label coffee date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee date. Show all posts

Coffee Catch-Up Session

Sure, it's almost 10pm, but in my house any time is a good time for a cup of coffee.

So, maybe you're asking yourself, "Where has Sydney been over the last month?" or "Didn't she say she was going to start blogging again?" or "I wonder if she's still writing." 

{I mean, you probably aren't really asking any of those questions. Why would you really care that I've been holed up in my bed catching up on recorded episodes of Dance Moms and the new season of Orange is the New Black for the last three days?}

But just in case you are, pull up a chair, pour yourself your own cup of coffee, and read on, friends. 

June marked the first trip of the summer! 

Please ignore my ghostly legs. I promise it was the filter. I'm mostly Italian with olive skin, I swear. 

Niagara Falls is officially off the bucket list! This trip desperately deserves its own post because it was full of exploring, wine tastings, and lots and lots of walking ("Finishing a half marathon" coincidentally also jumped off the bucket list on this trip). 


My toes matched the flowers! 

I totally plan on writing about the whole trip, but just incase life gets in the way, make sure you visit the little town of Niagara-on-the-Lake when you visit the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Too quaint. So many flowers, bakeries, and ice cream shops. My favorite kind of town. 

The next adventure was Blessings on the Bayou, which has been one of my summer highlights for the last five years. It's so funny how even though we only see each other a few times a year, everyone picks up right where we left off. 

These are the amazing mentors of 2015. They are all such beautiful people. 

And that leads me to the latest trip: Washington, DC!

DC is seriously one of my favorite places. This was my fourth trip there, but my first time in the summer. It was quite a change seeing the city with sweat dripping down my neck instead of through frozen eyelashes.

My aunt spent the trip meeting with legislators at the capitol, so I got to "babysit" my little cousin and explore the great museums. 

My favorite day was spent in Georgetown (shopping, eating, etc.). More on that adventure along with my tour of Georgetown Law, aka the new dream school, when I do a more thorough DC post. 

Gotta love that #navyornothing action happening in Vineyard Vines. 

Because every day should feel this good. 

Now I know I always say I'm going to write and update y'all, but this time I really mean it (mostly because the next few posts describing the trips in greater detail are already written). Since I've been back, I've caught up with friends, read a new book, and actually caught up a little for my summer class #winning! 

If you haven't read Paper Towns yet, run to your local library!

I hope you all enjoyed our coffee date as much as I did! Keep checking up on the blog, new posts are coming soon, pinky swear!