Showing posts with label Monogram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monogram. Show all posts

Fall Wishlist

With my birthday money stashed safely in my savings account, the chances of me having any of these by winter break are slim to none… But a girl can still dream, right? 

The purses can both be (tastefully) monogrammed, and that doesn't soften the blow at all. 

Santa? Are you reading? 

DIY Monogram Memory Box

I've always been envious of anyone with the patience to put together a scrapbook. It takes time, planning, and an artistic eye, not to mention a loaded pocketbook for all the fancy albums, paper, and stickers (does anyone under the age of 75 actually say "pocketbook"?).

I've got at least four unfinished scrapbooks that have piled up over the last ten years or so. I start out with the best intentions, but my attention span always sabotages me! 

I was browsing Pinterest a few weeks ago when I spied this pin

Of course these "keepsake kits" appealed to the scrapbooker-with-abandonment-issues in me! Leave it to Martha to market such a simple idea. I got to Michaels that same day and picked up a wooden box to attempt. (side note: never shop at Michaels without using a coupon. They're always available!!)

I knew I wanted to go with a simple white box and gold lettering, but couldn't think of what to label it. I wanted to save fun memories like ticket stubs and photo strips throughout the semester. Then it hit me! My monogram! That way I could use it for whatever! 

It was pretty simple, too! First, I painted the whole thing white using regular acrylic paint. 

For the monogram, I printed out the individual letters (after downloading this font) from a word document. I cut around them, and then taped them to the box. I traced over them with a sharpie pen, pressing hard enough for the ink to go through the paper. After I had an outline of the letters, I painted them with gold acrylic paint and a steady hand. It took a few coats, but I was really pleased with the outcome! 

If you decide to paint your own, post them and be sure to tag me (@sydneylandry)! 

Back to School + Inside My Backpack!

Well, you guys, my first day was a success! The nice thing about starting school on a Friday is that it's already the weekend and you have time to prepare everything for the next, real first week!

I was so excited to do an Inside My Backpack post, that I couldn't even wait until morning when my dorm room has better lighting! 
These are some of my favorite types of posts to read on other blogs because I'm so nosy

So inside my backpack, all styled and ready for the beginning of the new semester, you will find:

Monogrammed binders (one for MWF classes, one for T/Th classes. I'm trying this method out for the first time!) I made the monogrammed papers the with the same method that I used in this video tutorial, but changed the size to 8.5x11 inches. 
Erin Condren Life Planner I just bought this after Christmas and I'm loving it! (It's only the first semester, so I'll give y'all an update in a few weeks). Check out the Erin Condren site for some adorable personalized desktop goodies! 
Vera Bradley pencil case I believe this one is a makeup brush case, but it's lined which is great since my ink pens always seem to leak. It even has a little pocket where I keep my USB drive. 
portable phone charger This one is from J.Crew Factory, but I got it last semester and they will probably be sold out soon. My friend just bought this one from J.Crew and she says it works really well! Plus, it charges the iPhone 5, iPads, tablets, cameras, and pretty much everything else with a USB cable!
umbrella I think you know why you need to keep an umbrella on you. Especially if you live in South Louisiana. 
calculator I have this pink graphing calculator that I use for economics class! The pink makes math just a little bit brighter. 
iClicker I decorated mine with Tiffany blue washi tape! There's so much that you can do with washi tape! It's sticky enough to stay where you put it, but comes off clean and can be reapplied! I used it inside my planner, too, and it doesn't tear the paper when I move it around! 
Vera Bradley little notebook Mostly for making lists of things I need to bring from home to my dorm room. Perks of going to college ten minutes from home. (These notebooks came in a three pack, but are super old and I don't think they sell them anymore.)
student ID card I need to find a wallet that can connect to my keys so that I never forget my Colonel Card! They charge $15 to let you back into the residence hall when you forget it more than once! Outrageous!
keys There's also a $15 charge if you lock yourself out of your room. That's why I had to install the handy dandy hook at the start of last semester! 
headphones For drowning out noise in the library when studying. 
EOS lip balm I just really like these! I have one in my purse, one in my backpack, and one on my desk!
granola bar For those rare days when I'm running late and skip breakfast in the cafeteria. 
peppermints I took a test taking class once and the teacher claimed your brain is more alert and works better when you suck on peppermints. I'm not actually sure if this is true, but I always have some for test days just incase. 

Not pictured:
My iPad and my MacBook Air. 
I'll most likely alternate between these throughout the beginning of the semester until I get into a good groove. Hopefully, I'll be able to pick just one because last semester I brought the wrong piece of technology a few times and it messed up my note-taking patterns.  

College Wish List

So I've always been the nerd girl that gets super excited when school is about to start. This year is no exception. In fact, my pre-school impatience this year is probably the worst it's ever been. 

The end of August means a new place to call home (yay dorm life!), new friends (I'm hoping to join a sorority!), and a whole new routine! And what else could help prepare for a brand new life than fun new accessories?

Here's what I plan on picking up before school starts:

Monogrammed Rain Jacket - Sweet Sarahs

My countdown is on! 15 days, 16 hours, and 43 minutes until I can move into my new dorm, and then another three days before classes start!
I better order these soon!

What are some of your 'can't live without' back-to-school picks? 

DIY: Monogram Wallpaper via Photoshop

One of my more popular posts on my Tumblr was this picture of my laptop. I love monograms and I think Lilly Pulitzer prints are super fun and summery so this is perfect for my summer wallpaper!

I had lots of requests for a tutorial, so I made a video and posted it to YouTube! 
If you have Adobe Photoshop and want to try to make one of these, it's your lucky day!

Please excuse my voice and my mispronunciation of Lilly Pulitzer... 

If I'm not clear enough, or you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! 

And if you'd like for me to make a monogram wallpaper for you, I'd love to! Just comment below :)